Why should I treat my dog?
Treating your dog creates a bond between you and your pet. Your dog will be a lot more susceptible to following your lead once a bond has been created. Using treats is one of the most effective training methods, almost all dogs will work for food. Some behaviours are harder to learn for dogs but a dog will be more willing to repeat a behavior if it leads them to a good thing such as a treat.
What kind of treats should I use for training?
Using treats as a training tool will often be a repetitive process and to avoid your dog gaining weight you may want to use small pieces or a low calorie treat. If you are training your dog frequently you can also adjust how much food they are given to reflect the number of treats they have had.
What else can I use treats for?
- Luring your pet – If your pet runs off, runs to the neighbors you can use treats to entice them back
- Giving your pet medication – Your pet will most likely not take a pill willingingly, using a treat to conceal medication is a better way
- Dietary needs – If your dog is lacking certain vitamins or minerals some treats are fortified to provide them with better nutrition